Who is stronger: Madara uchiha VS Momoshiki

 Although Naruto and Boruto connect a fictional universe,
respective universes are radically distinct in many ways. However, it's
fascinating to imagine what might happened if the two universes collided, which
is just what we'll explore in this post. The two characters we'll be
comparing today are Momoshiki from Boruto and Madara Uchiha from Naruto to
decide which villain from Masashi Kishimoto's anime is the strongest. 

Momoshiki Otsutsuki is a mighty member of the Otsutsuki
Clan, however he is no equal for Madara Uchiha. Madara Uchiha is simply at a
higher level, but while both may have some comparable skills and abilities,
Madara has proved herself as be a far more talented shinobi than Momoshiki,
which is the reason he wins this one.

So that you've gotten the short version of the answer, the
remainder of the post will be separated into three sections, the first two of
which will introduce the characters, respective powers, and their skills.
Finally, we'll provide our final conclusion and explain why Madara would
eventually be able to overcome Momoshiki in a straight combat.

Chakra and Physical Strength

Momoshiki, similar to the other Otsutsuki, was endowed with
incredibly powerful chakra. He might also take every technique he came across,
in addition to the chakra of his opponent. Momoshiki exhibited incredible
power, capable of smashing Naruto through a wall with a single strike. He could
also move rapidly in order to evade hostile strikes. Momoshiki could face
Naruto and Sasuke in hand-to-hand combat after inheriting Kinshiki's power.

Madara was birthed with an incredibly powerful Chakra,
although by Uchiha Clan levels. This really is due to the fact that he is one
of Indra's reccaration, acquiring the mighty Chakra from him.

His resources were so enormous he was able to battle
continuously for a full twenty-four hrs; even now in his old age, after waking
the Rinnegan, still had enough Chakra to call Gedo Mazo from of the Moon after
destroying the seal that kept it. His superior chakra management enabled them
to perform intricate and ninjutsu jutsu with a single hand seal, as well as
absorbing and swiftly adapt to senjutsu.

We really can not determine on a winner in this area because
measuring the precise chakra levels of Naruto and Boruto characters is
incredibly tough. We couldn't choose between Momoshiki and Madara because their
chakra levels were so high, so we opted to share the points here.

Momoshiki 1 point, Madara 1 point


Momoshiki has the Byakugan for each sight, which gives him
360° vision (save for a blind spot at the first thoracic vertebra), X-ray
vision, and the capability to detect the Chakra Circulatory System. He was able
to view Kurama's chakra, which has been trapped within Naruto, via her. His
Byakugan may also predict the future.

Momoshiki held a pair of Rinnegans in its hands, that he
might use to absorbed ninjutsu with one and utilise stated abilities with the
other. He also could convert a victim into pills, that when taken would provide
him life and its chakra, cause his muscular tissue to develop, and alter his
whole body if he drank Kinshiki's chakra.

Madara Uchiha expertly handles his Sharingan, extending it
to great heights. He initially awoke here amid a fight involving his family and
Hashirama Senju's. He can perform genjutsu 10 times stronger than Itachi's and
stop an adversary in his tracks and he learns all of the talents and
capabilities that the Sharingan grants to its possessor on a level much greater
than Itachi or even Sasuke.

Madara evolved his Sharingan to a greater extent while still
a child, allowing them to rule the Uchiha clan with his younger brother. These
new eyes were so strong that he was able to fight several jousts with Hashirama
Senju, cementing his renown. Madara, like other Kaleidoscope users, has
mastered the Susano. His Susanô is incredibly powerful; he owns a massive blade
of extraordinary strength, which he used to destroy several shinobi.

Just before his dying, he pushed its Sharingan to its limit
by transplanting cells of the First Hokage into his body, resulting in the
Sharingan's ultimate evolution: the "Rinnegan."

This is the initial area in which Madara's technical prowess
shine. Madara Uchiha is extremely competent, but his knowledge of the many
Dojutsu methods places him a tier beyond Momoshiki, despite the fact that
Momoshiki is a genuinely formidable Djutsu practitioner. That's why, clearly,
Madara Uchiha gets this point.

Momoshiki 1, Madara 2 points


Momoshiki was able to perform space-time ninjutsu, which
allowed him and Kinshiki to travel between dimensions, at the cost of a
considerable quantity of chakra gathered by ingesting the pills. After
absorbing Kinshiki's power to create red flashing weapons, he acquired access
to it. He was also familiar in fuinjutsu, as seen by his attempts to extricate
Kurama from Naruto.

Momoshiki had control of his hair, which he used to tie and
suffocate his attacker, and its agility was sufficient to surpass Gaara's Sand
Shield barriers. Momoshiki can effortlessly perform the five nature forms with
his Rinnegan by collecting the element chakra from his foes' attacks.

He could summon massive elemental creatures like a demonic
flaming pheasant, canines, as well as a golem capable of battling Kurama when
donning the Susanoo armour. Momoshiki's Flame Release was powerful enough just
to burn Sasuke's Susanoo badly. Momoshiki might also employ elemental tactics
like Pure Zero Storm and Meteor Shower.

Madara, as with all descendants of a Uchiha clan, has a
Katon natural chakra. He now has control over all elemental chakra natures due
to the Rinnegan. Madara's katon methods have incredible range and strength;
Itachi's ultimate fireballs had moderate and reasonable force, but Madara's are
on another level entirely. They were stronger than Sasuke's.

As a result, it required the combined efforts of the whole
Fourth Tier to counter his Katon techniques with Suiton tactics. He also had a
portion of Hashirama's power injected in them, allowing him to use the Mokuton
methods. His Mokuton has enormous strength; he has used it to build giant roots
with lotus flowers just at end, whose perfume is lethal to inhale: "the
forest of flowering trees." With this strategy alone, he has an edge over
the five Kage united.

He also can construct a mokuton clone, which he claims is
ideal because, because to his Sharingan, he is undetected other than by
oneself. Madara has the ability to call twenty-five clones of himself and turn
them into humanoid-like beings. Susanō

And the last position belongs to Madara, just since he is
one of the greatest shinobi of all time. He is very strong, and his supremacy
is clear, and Momoshiki, despite his abilities and abilities, really can not
compete with Madara in this area. This is why we had no choice but to award
Madara the last point.

Momoshiki 1, Madara 3 points

When compared to Momoshiki, who has proved himself to be a
very difficult adversary, Madara Uchiha is one of the finest fighters in the
whole franchise. When compared to Momoshiki, who has proved himself to be a
very difficult adversary, Madara Uchiha is one of the finest fighters in the
whole franchise.
